If you get stuck, we can help you out.
If you need help getting started, we'll be there.
97% of our support conversations are rated either 🤩 or 😃.
We work hard to fix any issues, or build any improvements suggested by charities, community groups, volunteers or commissioners. It's how we've built Plinth from the ground up.
We reply to 71% of our support requests within 5 minutes.
We know your clients, your data and your management system are all mission critical. Our committment to support is a reflection of our commitment to the crucial work you do.
Listen to what our customers have to say about Plinth and what it's done for them.
How Plinth saved time, boosted their confidence and helped them to successfully acquire their largest grant yet!
How Plinth helped them to keep records for their food bank, and improve the way they manage their food packages.
How Plinth helped them secure more funding, replaced all their paper forms and benefitted the wellbeing of the children they support.
How Plinth helped them collect information directly and deliver more insight into their impact from their data.
MedwayGo is the holiday and food programme for Medway Council, serving hundreds of families each holiday. They wanted to change their booking system to better keep track of their data, report to the Department of Education and understand the wider impact of their programme.
Inspire South Tyneside, the VCS infrastructure organisation for the area, wanted to create a platform that would allow them to better understand, map and support their local sector.