Write high-quality and specific grant applications with AI.

🏖️ Completely FREE to use this summer

Apply to more grants and get more funding for your charity.

Supported by

Up for Yorkshire

Up for Yorkshire

Haringey Council

Haringey Council

Voluntary Action Arun & Chichester

Voluntary Action Arun & Chichester

These organisations have provided funding to help us build this AI.

How it works

Answers specific to you, and to the funder

We use your previous applications and the funder's guidelines to write a unique application for you.

It will pull evidence and case studies from your documents, and reference back so you know where it's come from.

Search through £millions of grants

From £500 to £1 million +, use our AI to find the right grant for your charity.

Auto-check your eligibility for each grant and get immediate feedback on how to improve your chances of success.

Edit your answers with AI

If you need to add things, remove things or change the length, our AI can help you do that. Just give it some feedback.

It can even change the tone, style and language of your application.

🏖️ Summer Special

Completely FREE to use until September 1st. No credit card required.

Read more about how it works

We've written a blog post about how our AI works, and how it can help your charity.

Read More

Collaborate with your team, and your trustees

Share your applications with your team, and get feedback from them.

Give access to your trustees, so they can support with your applications, and can help find new grants.

Store your documents in one place

Securely keep all your documents in one place: all your bank statements and accounts, your governing documents, your policies and procedures, and your previous applications.

Search through them with our AI-powered search.

All processed privately and securely.

Your data is not used to train the AI, and is not shared with anyone else without your explicit consent.

(We can help share it with more funders if you want us to).

Not used for training

We use the paid version of OpenAI, Anthropic and Mistral's systems; not the free versions that use your data to train the AI.

Protected information

Nothing is sent to the AI models without your consent, and nothing is shared with other organisations.

Encrypted data

All your data is encrypted at storage and in transit and has defined user authentication and access rules

Attend one of our webinars

Whether you're a charity looking to use our AI, or an infrastructure body looking to support your members, we have a webinar for you.