Fix your form.

Stop wasting community groups' time. They've got better things to do than deal with your outdated application process.

Create an application form people won't hate.

Because we actually care about the organisations you work with.

Where they won't lose their work.

No one fills out a long application form all in one go. They need time to put together budgets, collect case studies and fit their organisation's entire work into your 150 word limit.

If they come back to your form, and it's all deleted, isn't that just a bit rude?

Avoid the technological faux pas. Plinth forms save all data so organisations can come back at any time.

Community Impact Grants - Round 1

1. Your Project Title*

Please use the name your organisation is planning to describe the project as on our public website.

Centre for Children who can't Read Good

2. What are you going to achieve?*

29 words

Where they can collaborate with others.

"We encourage partnership working", says the funder whose application form can only have one author, and has no way to export the questions.

We'll handle all that for you.

Organisations can share application forms across their staff team, and can export all the questions and their half-filled answers directly into a Google Doc.

Community Impact Grants - Round 1

1. Your Project Title*

Please use the name your organisation is planning to describe the project as on our public website.

Centre for Children who can't Read Good

2. What are you going to achieve?*

29 words
Try this

That's accessible to all.

No one likes filling out forms, but some people find it a lot harder than others.

Plinth forms are accessible to all, can be translated automatically into different languages, and are broken up into separate sections to improve the form-filling experience.

1. Organisation vision/mission statement*

In no more than 50 words, please outline your organisation's vision/mission (for example: what does your organisation do and what does it aim to achieve in its work?).

To deliver community impact at scale

2. Main contact phone number*

We may call you to clarify any details in your application.


3. Who will benefit from your work or activity?*

Technology can be used to connect people access services, and to help charities and community groups operate more effectively.

All backed by our world-class customer support.

Yellow Submarine

I love the form! It’s simple and effective. And as a fundraiser I am familiar with lots of different formats, this is way the best I have come across.

Alice Margey
Grants and Trusts Fundraiser, Yellow Submarine

We can make your life easier too.

We don't stop at the application form.

Manage your grants

Improve your assessment process

We give you a number of different ways to review your submitted application forms. You can use them to assess individual grants or review the sucess of the whole application process.

Assessment Link

Create a read-only link for grant assessors for each application form. It shows the answers exactly as the organisations inputted them, so it doesn't break any formatting.

Spreadsheet View

View a spreadsheet of all the applications, filtered by the time when you received them. Look through them on Plinth or export directly into Excel or Google Sheets.

Gallery View

See a gallery of pictures and videos from your applications. Scroll through to get a real emotional sense of what organisations are doing in your local area.

Graph View

Get a break down of all your responses in a series of easy-to-understand pie charts. Find out the most common answers and see how they compare to what you expected.

Ongoing monitoring

Move seamlessly to monitoring and reporting

Once you decide on a grant, you can use Plinth to report on outcomes, case studies and activities. See all the impact your grant is having all in real-time.


See what activities the organisations you fund are organising, see where and when they are happening, and share a public page for people to book on directly (if appropriate).


Get live KPI data on the outcomes organisations are achieving in their community. Configure the KPI so it integrates directly with their own system, so need for irritating Excel reports.

Case Studies

Ask for case studies from organisations that have been funded. View these case studies in a gallery, perfect for your more visual board members, or export them into a Spreadsheet for the nerds.


See anonymised summary statistics on the beneficiaries of the programmes you fund. Break them down by location, age, gender, ethnicity and any other key characteristic you need to collect.

Trusted By

Oxford City Council

Oxford City Council and 100+ applicants.