Cost of Living

Manage your Cost of Living Programme

On plinth's Community Impact Platform you'll find all the tools you need to maximise the reach and impact of your cost of living support programme.


Central Monitoring and Reporting

See the impact of your programme in real-time, with automatic live reporting.

Track the number of people you're supporting, and the impact it's having on their lives.

Work out which interventions are working best, and which need more support.


Data Matching

Compare the groups of people supported by community organisations to those supported by the Council.

Work out which groups are being missed, and which need more support.

Proactively engage target groups, so you can ensure your support is reaching the people that really need it. Those out of the "Council Streetlight".


Improved Referral Processes

All the data you need for DfE Reports at the click of a button.

Plus custom reports, so you can track the number of spaces you have left, which schools attendees are coming from, age ranges and anything else you need to measure.

Available for you and all your providers.

See it in action

Here are some examples of how we've helped other organisations.

Automatic Eligibility Checking

We’ve got a few different ways to handle Free School Meal eligibility:

  • Unique codes for each child that can be sent to parents.
  • Automatic matching of details on registration to your list of eligible children.
  • Pre-registration and manual approval of each child’s eligibility

Pick one, or pick and mix. We’ll make sure you’re meeting the funding requirements.


Understand the wider context

How is your HAF programme supporting your wider aims as a Council? Are there particular communities you're not reaching? What is the interaction with your wider early years and youth services support?

With our dataset matching and pathway analysis tools, you can answer all these questions and more, so you can ensure HAF is supporting your whole Council's strategy, not just the DfE's.


Capacity building with your providers

HAF is 6 weeks per year. Your community organisations are there year-round.

As part of our wider service, your providers have free access to all of plinth's tools, so they can safely manage and store all their user details, create reports for funders and engage more effectively with other commissioning programmes.

So you can use your HAF programme as a force-multiplier for wider community asset building.

OrganisationLast Updated
Potter's Bar Food BankJust now
Clyde Legal Advice1 hour ago
Hackney Youth Club3 hours ago
Medway Arts and Crafts5 days ago
Rhosneigr Trust8 days ago
Nottingham Community15 days ago

Searching outside the 'Council Streetlight'

Why we think working more systematically with your VCS can help you reach new groups and deliver better outcomes for your residents.

Read More

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