Use Cases

A complete platform for community centres

Time to Spare provides all the tools you need to run your community centre. Managing client data, managing volunteers, maintaining a calendar, measuring your impact, reporting to funders and taking online payments, Time to Spare does it all.

Loved by over 100 community centres

Castlehaven Community Association

Satisfaction guaranteed.

97% of our support conversations are rated either 🤩 or 😃.

We work hard to fix any issues, or build any improvements suggested by charities, community groups, volunteers or commissioners. It's how we've built Time to Spare from the ground up.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

97% of our support conversations are rated either 🤩 or 😃.

We work hard to fix any issues, or build any improvements suggested by charities, community groups, volunteers or commissioners. It's how we've built Time to Spare from the ground up.

Tools for your team

Make your life easier

We've built a suite of tools to help you manage your team

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What's the catch?

There is no catch, it’s genuinely free for you to use. We make money by working with Local Authorities and Housing Associations to support them in collaborating with the organisations they fund.